The Book of the Oracle will provide information and rules for the Cult of the Black Sun and their followers. You’ll also find an expended bestiary and rules to handle artifacts in your games. This book will also unveil numerous secrets of the Gods universe.
The Rulebook provides all the necessary information to allow you to play in the GODS universe and all the game mechanics of the TOTEM system.
Le Guide de l’Oracle contient non seulement les règles propres au Culte du Soleil Noir et de ses serviteurs, mais aussi un bestiaire étendu et tout ce qu’il faut pour mettre des artefacts dans vos parties. Enfin ce livre lève le voile sur bon nombre de secret de l’univers.
Ecran en carton fort de trois panneaux format à l’italienne. L’illustration de Bastien Lecouffe Deharme permettra à vos joueurs de s’immerger dans l’univers de Gods alors que l’interieur de l’écran contient tous les tableaux et information utile.
Ce livre contient toutes les informations nécessaires pour jouer dans l’univers de Gods et le système de jeu “TOTEM”.
Pledge Level legend contains the following: rulebook collector editions book of the oracle collector edition oracle screen deluxe version legendary necklace Giclee print of the Gods standard edition cover 5 player’s booklet The Art book The Dragon Reaper’s daughter novella by Graham Mc Neil Chronicles of the Wildlands short stories by Justine Niogret and Franck Ferric Pack of Map with Babel and Wildlands map as well as 13 other maps from the Wildlands Set of GODS dices Adventures in the Wildlands a 4 scenarios book 1 Sabiirh coin The Quickstart printed 1 giclee print of a Bastien’s Sketch And all
Pledge Level flame bearer contains the following: rulebook deluxe version book of the oracle deluxe version oracle screen deluxe version Giclee print of the Gods standard edition cover 5 player’s booklet The Art book The Dragon Reaper’s daughter novella by Graham Mc Neil Chronicles of the Wildlands short stories by Justine Niogret and Franck Ferric Pack of Map with Babel and Wildlands map as well as 13 other maps from the Wildlands Set of GODS dices Adventures in the Wildlands a 4 scenarios book 1 Sabiirh coin The Quickstart printed 1 giclee print of a Bastien’s Sketch And all book
Pledge level Chosen One contains the following: Core Rulebook – Standard Edition Book of the Oracle – Standard Edition Oracle Screen – Standard Edition 5 player’s booklets Artbook in PDF The Dragon Reaper’s Daughter, a novella by Graham McNeill in PDF Chronicles of the Wildlands, short stories collection by Justine Niogret and Franck Ferric Pack of maps with Babel and Wildlands map as well as 13 other maps from the Wildlands Set of GODS dices Adventures in the Wildlands, a 4 scenarios campaign book in PDF 1 Sabiirh coin The Quickstart Booklet 1 giclee print of a Bastien Lecouffe Deharme’s
Pledge Level Wandered contains the following: rulebook standard and PDF version 5 player’s booklet The Art book in PDF The Dragon Reaper’s daughter novella by Graham Mc Neil in PDF Chronicles of the Wildlands short stories from Jutine Niogret and Franck Ferric in PDF Pack of Map with Babel and Wildlands map as well as 13 other maps from the Wildlands Set of GODS dices Adventures in the Wildlands a 4 scenarios book in PDF 1 Sabiirh coin The Quickstart in PDF 1 giclee print of a Bastien’s Sketch
Pledge Level Chosen One contains the following: rulebook PDF book of the oracle PDF oracle screen PDF The Art book in PDF The Dragon Reaper’s daughter novella by Graham Mc Neil in PDF Chronicles of the Wildlands short stories by Justine Niogret and Franck Ferric PDF Adventures in the Wildlands a 4 scenarios book in PDF The Quickstart PDF Wildlands Poster Map PDF